In this global Pandemic, almost everyone is stuck at home. Some have adapted the new routine and some are still struggling with it. Quarantine and lockdown have changed our lifestyle completely and the biggest challenge that we are facing nowadays is how to be stay productive while staying at home. We understand that not being able to go out, meet friends, and staying all day indoors has made you a little distracted and affected your productivity cycle drastically.
Here Are Some Tips in Maintaining Good Productivity During This Quarantine :
Keep Your House Clean

One of the best ways to stay active and feel positive during quarantine is to keep things around you clean. A tidier house will give you positive vibes all day long. You can clean one room or cupboard at a time to stay busy and reduce the burden of cleaning all at once.

If you haven’t been able to do something to keep yourself fit in all those busy days, then Quarantine is the best time to exercise a little and keep yourself fit. You can watch online videos to learn about the basics of exercising at home.

Meditation is always a good idea when you need to relax your mind or attract positive vibes. If Quarantine anxiety and negative thoughts are making you restless then we recommend you to meditate for a few minutes daily.
Call Your Friends

This is Quarantine and we understand that you have a lot of free time to watch movies and take naps, but we suggest that you use this time to connect with your long lost friends and refresh some memories. Talking to your old friends will bring a change to your boring routine and make you feel excited and fresh to start something new.
Take A Shower and Dress nicely

If you are feeling lazy and doing nothing this quarantine, then we recommend that you take a shower and wear fresh clothes after waking up. This will surely help you feel fresh and active. You can also click wonderful selfies after dressing up. Even if you have decided to be a couch potato this lockdown then it will be better if you become a well-dressed couch potato.
Make A Schedule

If you are working from home and keeping the balance is becoming tough for you, then we recommend that you make a schedule and work accordingly. A schedule will help you to balance work and free time well.
Eat Healthy Food

Even if it is Quarantine and the internet is full with easy to make recipes, we suggest you eat right and healthy. Eating unhealthy food can make you feel and may affect your productivity.
Get Good Sleep

A good sleep always plays an important role in your productivity. If you are not taking 7-8 hours of proper sleep then it may affect your productivity in many ways. We recommend that you follow a proper sleep schedule and take at least 8 hours of undisrupted sleep.
Follow A Self-Care Routine

It is a lockdown period and you have enough time to create and follow a good self-care routine. You can utilize this time to create good skincare and hair care routines. This self-care routine will keep you engaged and productive during the quarantine.
Learn New Skills

There is nothing better than learning something exciting and trying new things. You can make wise use of this staying at home time to learn new skills like Cooking, Singing, Dancing, Drawing, Sketching, Speaking a new language, and many more. The best way to stay productive during Quarantine is to learn something new.
Work On Your Budget Plans

As this is a global pandemic and the world economy is suffering, you may have to learn to adjust in limited money and resources. To make sure you meet the ends effectively, we recommend that you work on budget plans and managing savings. After the lockdown gets over, you can put the new budget plan into work.
Enroll In Online Classes

If you feel it difficult to keep it up with a productivity cycle during the lockdown, then enrolling in different online classes will help you a lot. Online classes will keep you engaged and productive.
Build Your CV

If you have just graduated or are planning to get a job after this lockdown gets over, then you can utilize this time to build an impressive resume or CV. So after lockdown, it will be easier for you to get a job.
Engage Yourself In Social Work

This is a tough time and many people around need help in different ways. You can do some social work in this by staying at home and doing things like preparing cloth masks to distribute. You can also start a social media campaign to raise funds and help the needful.
During this Corona pandemic, everyone is struggling in some form or the other. If you are locked at your home with family then you are a lucky one. Make wise use of this free time by being productive and hopeful.