Most Badass Dialogues in Narcos with a Hidden Meaning!!!
Narcos is one of the most popular Columbian Netflix series. The dialogues in this series have hidden meanings. Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria was a Columbian drug lord and was played by Wagner Maura in Narcos season 1, season 2, and season 3. These are some of the most badass dialogues in Narcos:
Yo Soy Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria

” I am Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria” When the police pull Pablo’s trucks over, He introduces himself by saying this iconic dialogue, which means “I am Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria”, he later continues and marks that his eyes are everywhere.
Plata O Plomo

“Silver or lead” After the police pull him over, he makes an offer no one can refuse. In this dialogue Plato is silver and Plomo is lead. By this dialogue he means, either the police can peacefully accept the offer by taking money, or they get a bullet (Plomo
Puedo Permitir Que Eso

I can’t allow that to happen When Pablo escaped from his own jail, a small troop of police demands him to cooperate and requests Pablo Escobar to surrender. Pablo needs no violence or drama, he just says this dialogue meaning ‘I can’t allow that to happen’, and continues his walk to escape in front of the troop.
Dame un Nombre

“Give Me a Name”, when the police call Pablo Escobar to renegotiate. Pablo offers one million dollars on one condition. The police have to give a name from whom they got to know about the smuggling quantity.
Las mentiras son necesarias, cuando la verdad es demasiado dificil de cree

“Lies are necessary when the truth is too difficult to believe” When Pablo was convinced to surrender and kept in his own designed jail, the vice minister mentions the surrender as a lie. At that time Pablo expresses a reason for a lie in this dialogue.
No un primo de la carcel, un Castillo

“Not a jail cousin, a castle” Conversation between Gustavo and Pablo Escobar has always been a must-listen conversation. Pablo in this dialogue represents his jail as a castle, although, Gustavo was killed before the castle was made. Though, Gustavo was killed before the castle was made.
“Life is full of surprises, some good, some not so good.” And this blog is full of badass dialogues delivered by the great Pablo Escobar played by one of the best actors Wagner Moura.